My Grandfather's parting words to any of us who visited were always "Come back when you can't stay so long." Sarcastic... I know, but if you knew him, teasing and sarcastic comments were his way of showing you how much he loved you. The beautiful testaments to his life that were given at the funeral recalled many of these moments. The memories of how everything he touched with his loving hands were fixed and mended, be it a fiscal item or an emotional one.
From my earliest memory of him, I always remember him crafting or fixing something. He was always willing to teach you anything he knew at any age. I have helped him build many things, fix shingles on roof tops, helped him make picture frames, and change an alternator in my best friend Dana's car. He was a true crafts man and knew how to work the wood into anything. He made toys big and small for many of us grandkids all of them full of love.
My Grandfather served his country in the Navy. He signed up right after Pearl Harbor and was stationed in the Philippines. Though his time in service was short I believe he inspired many of us to do the same. My Uncle was a Marine, I have three cousins and a cousin-in-law who have served in the Army and I have married into USAF. After his return he married the love of his live my Grandmother Marcella. They had eight children, who have had 33 grand children who have had 32 Great Grandchildren and then also 3 Great Great Grandchildren.
The lid to the casket was pronominal. It had a beautiful cross design on the top and was edged in multiple moldings.
While they were adding the finishing touches my Mother and I were working on our own project for him. We decided to make a shadow box for the funeral and ultimately for my Grandmother. Some of the best photos we had on hand were used. Photos that were important times in his life. My cousin Luke took time one night to make the frame for this out of the scraps of the coffin. After the funeral there were a few more things added per my Grandmothers request. There was a childhood photo of him and the coin the Veterans of MO gave her at the funeral. A few more of Grandpa'isms were also added and His wedding ring.

Though many things were crafted in his memory. We also had relatives put his life in written words, they spoke about his life and told us stories. They reminded us of the wonderful memories we have of him. We also were blessed with a song played on the harp by my Uncle Armand's oldest daughter.
Over all as my Grandmother put it... this was the most beautiful funeral she had ever attended.
I want to thank everyone who made this trip possible for me; My Mother, my hubby, my Uncle Armand and Uncle Paul and their families, my Cousin Luke, my Aunt Joann, my Grandmother, my Mother-in-law, and my Sister-in-laws. Thank you all so much! I enjoyed seeing all of my family. It has been years since we were together like this.