First off, I have to let you all know how honored that Scrapbook News and Review let me design the front cover to the May 2009 issue. I had such a blast working on this that I asked if I can do it again next month. So I spent hours in Microsoft word designing this front cover. I am really happy with it and even more impressed with myself for using a word processing program to put it together instead of a graphic one.
The artwork on the front cover is by two of our talented staff members, Irene Tan and Pamela Maas and the sketch is by Debbie Gaydos.
The other projects I have been working on is a photography challenge I am a part of. I have decided to practice and hone my photography skills by joining this challenge and working on it every week. The camera is probably the most important tool of a scrapbooker. Think about it. The camera is where our craft begins. Am I right?
This past week's assignment was to take a self portrait. here are a few of the ones I shot of myself. Got to love that ten second timer option on my camera. LOL. I can only imagine what the people on Main St. thought of me the other day. I was running back and forth between my lamp post and my car, where the camera was propped up on the open window sill of the passenger door. I need a tripod!
Three of these are the original shots and the last one has been edited due to the color in the third.
My question for you is how well do you know your camera? Have you tried to take self portraits?
Thanks for looking.