I have decided to take our small sectional couch (more like a love seat) and put it back into our room for a reading corner. This will free up an area in our computer/gaming room for the scrap stuff. Well, I just finished getting all the furniture out here and I have to say I am pretty proud of my rearranging. ;) Though it is kind of cramped in this room now at least I have the computer at my fingertips while I scrap...hehe. I can watch the kids play outside through the windows from in here and I can hang out with the Hubby at night while he gets his game on. Wooo Hoo that means more scrap time for me!!!
I have to keep it picked up more now though due to the fact that it is a public room. So when guests come over they get to see all my scrappy goodness and I don't want them to see how my "creative mind" works... best in a mess...LOL!