nativity I Hope this project will be something my kids remember for many, many Christmases to come. When they look back on their memories, my projects will set the mood and scenes. Maybe just maybe when they see something crafty and they will think of how I loved to do what I do and all the fun and crafty things we created together.

The second one is a layout for my daughters album. As scrapbookers we all strive to preserve the memories we have in our photos and in our minds for our children and our children’s children. This is a very important picture of her as a baby. It is the only time both my Hubby’s Grandmother and my Grandmother were in the same place with my daughter. Since this picture was taken, my Hubby’s Grandmother has passed away so this was once in a lifetime for my daughter.

In this layout I used my favorite tool in the P K Glitz arsenal… Sticky Paper! This is such a wonderful tool and makes glittering so easy! I run it through my cricut on the cardstock settings and with the multi cut button on. Just make sure you have the sticky side down and the peal back backing up. Once I cut my three images I removed the backing and glitzed them up with three colors of P K Glitter Glitz to give them all a unique sparkle.

I hope you have a scrappy day!