As you can see by the present state of our site, we’re no longer online. Our site is completely inaccessible and will not be available until Monday morning, at the very earliest and the June issue as well as the Spring into Summer Event are now being rescheduled due to this unfortunate turn of events.
In our desire to be proactive and ensure nothing went wrong on the event date, it all spiraled out of control. Ever since our site was hacked a few months ago, it has experienced minor problems here and there. Since anytime we experience traffic of more than 40,000 unique daily visitors to the site, we experience “blips” or “surges” which essentially kicks off people who are 40,000 + 1 in line, and knowing our last event garnered roughly 46,000 visitors we decided it was best to switch to a larger server. Our hosting service advised it would take no longer than 8 hours to transfer all content and then another 4 for the DNS switch. I laugh at that because it was about as far from the truth as you can get. 16 hours later the transfer was still hobbling along. With unforeseen problems leftover from the hacker, the over 12,000 images and 1,300 articles we had to transfer moved at a ridiculously low speed and then eventually just stopped.
At this point, our site is completely shut down and displays a not-so-attractive “down for scheduled maintenance” sign that was certainly not scheduled. To say we’re disappointed would be putting it mildly. With countless man hours and above and beyond efforts made by staff members, the hardest part was telling them we were unable to hold the event as scheduled, but, as we’ve always believed, there’s always a silver lining in every cloud.To that end, we have some major announcements and incredible stuff headed your way.
Over the next two weeks you'll discover and fall in love with all of the amazing changes we're putting into effect and now that we'll soon be on a server with almost unlimited capabilities, we'll now be able to ensure you never have a problem getting to all the scrappy goodness on our site.
We're deeply sorry for any confusion or trouble this may have caused and please know we do not take any of this lightly. As a whole, SNR magazine stands together as a family and we stand by our word and our commitment to the scrapbooking community and this weighs heavily on our hearts, but there's always a silver lining in every cloud and we refuse to see this as anything but a positive. All good things come to those who wait and for your patience, we assure you, it will be worth the wait.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to e-mail us. Fortunately, our e-mail accounts are on a different server so we still have access to you. Thank you for your patience and understanding and have an amazing weekend." ~ SNR
I will keep you all informed and updated. The event is to be rescheduled as far as I know.