This post is about one rather large project! I built functional angel wings to donate to the Charity Wings Organization. I may not have been able to do these wings justice but Elena sure could...
Here I am in the Helmar Booth with the wings open and closed.
Here they are from the back open:
Flash mob video where you can see them hold up to dance moves...
Here are the three people who made this a hit at CHA!Elena Lai Etcheverry, Tracy Weinzapfel Burgos, and myself in the middle. This is during the Live from CHA interview Elena had with Tracy from Helmar USA.
First lets take a quick look at the construction of the frame work... Supply list:
- 1 - kids back pack (up-cycled in this case from last year)
- 2 - 1" PVC pipes 2' long
- 1 - piece of hobby board
- Nuts and bolts and some brackets
- 1 yard of white strap (from a fabric store) (it shows black here but for this project I switched it out to white)
- 1/2 a yard of white the cheapest white fabrick to cut the shape of the wings
- Wire
- Tools to cut the wood, pvc pipe and fabric to the right shapes
- fishing line
- and of course some HELMAR USA glues - I used Acid Free and 450 Quick Dry.
Now lets talk about decorating it. hundreds of hand made feathers from old books and pipe cleaners... 5 feather boas and some sparkle ribbon, gems, and fabric... and of course Helmar 450 Quick Dry and Premium Craft Glue.
Perfect fit. I hope you enjoyed a sneak peak!
Have a Happy Helmar Day!
EDIT: Places you can find more images of these wings:
{My Sweet Earth} Susan K. Weckesser
Karen's Corner of the Web
Stabbed not counted or Crossed
Creativity Unleashed by Traci Bautista
Charity Wings