Challenge #17 Week #5- In Progress Projects, Finished Projects, Albums, Totes and Magazines!
Final Challenge!Part 1: I don't know about you all but I have a lot of in-progress projects. Some are mini albums some are pages (since it usually takes be 2 days to get a layout completed with interruptions). I almost always have a project like invitations or V-day cards for my son's class in the works too. I am NOT a chronological scrapbooker so I am bouncing back and forth between all the different albums I am working on.
So lets get this under control.
Step #1 - Identify what type of in-progress projects you have going on a regular basis.
Step #2 - Are these short term in-progress projects or long term? For example a layout would be a short term project. A baby album or school album would be a long term. You might have both.
Step #3 - Separate the items you have purchased exclusively for that project from your stash.
Step #4- Get organized - Choose a storage option...
a) Ziploc Gallon baggies - Works for smaller temporary projects like layouts etc. You can keep these baggies in a drawer. Or you can get a pretty file box and alter it if it doesn't match. Most kits come organized like this and can also be stored with this method for an easy project on the go.
b) Page Planners - Mine are from Creative memories but the ones listed below are cropper hopper brand. These are perfect for keeping the items for you pages together. I use them to pre-plan my page and have them ready to go. They are great for social and solo scrapbookers alike. As I am working on the layouts or pre-planning them. I store these folders in this unit on my desk.
(this in-progress type holder would also work with the Ziploc baggy option)
c) Cropper hoppers plastic container - stack nicely and can hold supplies for almost an entire album. These probably work best for mini albums or larger themed albums. These are ideal for people who like to take projects like this to crops.
d) 12x12 storage boxes - they look like photo boxes but lager. These also are great for mini albums and themed album pages and supplies. Unlike the cropper hopper they are cheaper yet they don't stack. They also can be altered easier. But they are harder to take out to crops.
e) A drawer- lots of the plastic drawer organizers you buy at M's and JA's are large enough to be able to use the drawers like a 12 x 12 storage box or the cropper hopper, without the mobility. These also work great for those solo scrappers. Keeping the projects in a drawer gives you quick and easy access to your project and to put it away. You could organize a baby album keeping all together.
Albums/finished pages: Now lets talk albums and completed pages. Once a page is complete it is very important we take the proper care in storing it. Like your photos you need to keep them in a dry place away from the sun.
On the wall in your space:
Shadow boxes:,3,5
Then there are the albums: There are several types and that is going to be up to you on what system/style you like. However, where do you store them?
I like having them in my room for easy access to put away my LOs as I rotate them off my wall but, they aren't just for me. The family enjoys them much more if I have them out in the family areas of the house. Just remember that you should store them off the ground in a dry place out of the sun. If you live in a flood zone you my want to consider keeping them several feet off the ground for safe keeping.
PART 2: For this challenge we are just going to do some cleaning and purging.
Totes:No matter if you are a solo scrapper or a collector or a social scrapper if you have a tote you have found you have a need for it. To keep you tote in good condition through all the beatings it takes you need to clean it out every once in a while. Scrub it down with a damp cloth... clean and possibly oil the wheels and handle. Take the time to love your tote(s) and then find a good home for them. If you are at the point where you don't need them to store your items then keep them crop ready.
Magazines:Here is where we keep a lot of un-necessary, space sucking, collection that most of us never touch. Here is what I want you to do about it.
Sit down with that binder you made at the beginning or for now any three ring binder will do. Grab your craft knife or scissors. Take that large stack of magazines that you have purchased for the inspiration inside not the adds they are full of and trying to enable you to spend more money.
Flip thorough them and cut out the articles and pages with projects that inspire you and put them in your binder. Keep those precious few items or words that inspired you to buy it and to create something... then recycle that darn thing. If it is older then three months old you probably won't read it all the way through again or ever.
If you want to keep 3 or so of the most current ones to have to brows through or have on a coffee table or what ever that is fine but limit yourself. You don't need the issue from two years ago last October for the entire mag... just that one article.
If you are doing a Mood Board this week this would be a great opportunity to snip out things that would go on that too.