Welcome everyone to my Colonial Antebellum inspired Dresser Flip. It began with this $20 dresser yard sale find. This 10 drawer find I thought was in fairly good condition aside from some deep scratches on the top that needed to be sanded out or filled. They were even kind enough to deliver it.
Once I got it home and out of their grass... I could see the work I had in store for me. The above image shows how much cosmetic work was needed to be done to the side of the footings and moldings. Most of it I was able salvage after removing 6 nails and 4 screws, all of them were driven in from the outside of the piece and were visible. The molding was in 3 pieces in the front and missing the back foot.
Repairs were made and she was brought back to life... Possibly even a grander life then she had before with the addition of the shutters to her mirror and new hardware. This dresser was inspired by the Colonial Antebellum architecture found frequently here in the south. I am in love with all the history around here that comes with being on the east coast.
Meet Mrs. Hayward
I will admit I felt like this project was never going to end. Rebuilding, repairs, patching and sanding. It so far was the largest rehab I have done. Her Body is finished with Alamo White antiqued with Black ReVax, sealed with Sheer Vax.
Her top is Licorice (black) with Black Revax as a sealer.
Here is one full look at the before and after of what Shabby Paints can do for any piece of furniture! If you love it please make sure to take a second to comment below or Pin it to your favorite furniture board on Pinterest.
This beauty was sold in 4.5 hrs after I walked out of the store I set her up in. She is a stunning piece and I am sure going to be well admired once again.
Want to know where to get Shabby Paints? I am happy to let you know I am now a Shabby Paint's Stylist. Currently I am taking pre-orders as I await my first shipment of inventory to arrive. You can message me and flip through the colors I will have in stock on my Facebook Page: Uniquely Grace.
These items will arrive by and be ready to ship to all you fantastic people June 1st-15th! These colors are on their way so pre-orders are being accepted!We can ship APO!!!
Posted by Uniquely Grace on Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I soon will have an online store where you will be able to shop and order off of FB. If you have any questions on how much to order or how to complete a project I am always here to help. Message me at Uniquely Grace on FB and I will be happy to walk you though it.
Hop you have a fantastic Memorial Day weekend!

Shabby Paints Stylist (contact me if you would like to order paints and sealers.)
Find me on...
Facebook: Uniquely Grace
Twitter: Grace Lauer Artist @gracelauer
Instagram: @gracelauer_henna_artist
Pinterest: L. Grace Lauer
Facebook: Uniquely Grace
Twitter: Grace Lauer Artist @gracelauer
Instagram: @gracelauer_henna_artist
Pinterest: L. Grace Lauer
What a superb renovation. I am sure the buyers will treasure this piece for years to come. I hope you include the before and after photos with each piece. A truly beautiful statement piece.xx
ReplyDeleteThank you Glass Daisy! That is a great idea. I may just have to start doing that.